9:00 |
Morning coffee |
9:40 |
Welcome |
10:00 |
Mislav Marohnić - Getting and loading code: current state of packaging & best practices |
10:30 |
Florian Glicher - Character encoding in Ruby 1.9 |
11:00 |
Elise Huard - Evaluating quality of Rails codebase |
11:30 |
11:50 |
Sven Fuchs - Anatomy of Ruby i18n |
12:40 |
Scott Chacon - Gittin' down to the plumbing |
13:30 |
15:00 |
Tomasz Stachewicz - Putting the static back into Ruby |
15:30 |
Rocky Bernstein - Rbdbgr, a debugger for Ruby 1.9 |
16:00 |
Marcin Kulik - Building web frameworks with Rack |
16:30 |
16:50 |
Nicolás Sanguinetti - Continuous Integration and why you need it |
17:20 |
Neil Straford and Jason Goecke - Tropo.com - Voice, IM and SMS enable your application |
17:50 |
Lightning talks |
18:20 |
Closing, candidates discussion for hosting Euruko 2011 |
20:00 |
Afterparty!!! |